Hey Kids, Let's Draw
Hello, I’m Seth, and thank you for checking out my drawing channel, Hey Kids, Let’s Draw. This channel started as a fun way to spend time drawing with my kids and hopefully teach others how to enjoy expressing themselves through drawing and art. On “Hey Kids, Let’s Draw”, we focus on family-friendly drawings such as silly characters, athletes, animals, holiday figures, and more! We would love to see our videos reach more people so please SUBSCRIBE and SHARE our channel to help us grow and reach more people. Make sure you take time to do something that brings you joy. For me, it has been art. Life is meant to be loved and enjoyed so find what makes you happy and embrace it! YouTube has been a positive way for my family and me to bond by sharing our love of drawing with others. We love hearing from our friends so please reach out on social media or right here on YouTube. Thanks for drawing with us!
11100 subscribers
