Zee Marathi, the premium Marathi channel in Maharashtra was launched in the year 1999. Since its launch until 2004, the channel was popularly known as Alpha Marathi. Since its inception, the channel has formed an integral part of a maharashtrian's life, through its different genre of programs like daily soaps, game shows, talk shows, cookery, travel shows, news, films etc.
Some of the shows on the channel; widely appreciated by the viewers. These shows have contributed in developing a wide base of loyal audience for Zee Marathi.
Zee Marathi also has many significant initiatives to its credit - the Zee Gaurav Awards is the one of the most coveted award for the recognition of the best talent in the Marathi film & theatre industry.
Introduced in 2003, was the Zee Marathi Awards, a viewers choice award for voting for the best talent on the channel.
झी मराठी टीव्ही मालिकांची यादी :- https://shorturl.at/eqzP9