Smart English TV是一個用生活實例教授香港人英文的頻道,每星期通過各大熱門話題讓大家學習一些實用性英文。我們所教的英文,跟學校所教的非常不同,因為教材來源不受限制, 內容無受指引捆綁, 言論發表亦冇包袱, 絕對是真英語, 活英語, 帶你縱覽世界,遨遊天下。
Hey, I'm Gwyneth.
I'm into self-discovery, sharing English knowledge in fun ways, personal growth, and smart lifestyle design. This channel is for anyone that's on a self growth journey to live a more intentional life. Every week you'll see videos about:
⛅ Learning English the smart way
⛅ Living your life intentionally
⛅ Setting goals and building habits that help you live life better
⛅ How to become a smarter and more efficient person
⛅ How to live a good, happy, fulfilling life
I'm on this journey with you and I appreciate every single one of you.
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// Learning a new language, just like opening a new window, allows you to see the world with intimacy. //