Peter Fritz uses landscape photography to de-stress, enjoy nature, and delay his inevitable demise. Join him! 🦘 I've been shooting for over 40 years - most of it professionally. In the 80s & 90s, I shot for car and motorcycle magazines with a Nikon F3 and Mamiya 645, and then later for private clients. My true love, though, has always been landscapes. In late 2020, I rediscovered why. Following the illness (and later, passing) of a close friend, I picked up my camera and drove off to some local hills to distract myself for a while; and was immediately reminded what outdoor photography did for my happiness, mental health, and sense of peace. I publish at least one video a week about landscape photography, enjoying the outdoors, and sometimes the gear it entails. If you enjoy them, please subscribe and share your feedback in the comments section. Please note that as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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