CRT-cathode ray tube in Computer Graphics | color CRT monitors in computer graphics


In this video we will learn about Cathode ray tube (CRT) in Computer Graphics. CRT DISPLAY TECHNIQUES A CRT monitor displays color pictures by using a combination of phosphors that emit different-colored light. By combining the emitted lights from the different phosphors, a wide range of colors can be generated. There are two basic techniques for producing color displays with a CRT beam-penetration method The shadow-mask method. 2. SHADOW MASK DISPLAY Shadow-mask methods are commonly used in raster scan systems (including color TV) as they produce a much bigger range of colors than the beam- penetration method. A shadow-mask CRT has three phosphor color dots at each pixel position. One phosphor dot emits a red light, another emits a green light, and the third emits a blue light. Shadow mask display CRT has three electron guns, one for each color dot, and a shadow-mask grid just behind the phosphor-coated screen. Check out my other video Difference between raster scan display and random scan display | raster scan vs random scan display : raster scan display in computer graphics | raster scan display advantages and disadvantages random scan display in computer graphics | random scan display advantages and disadvantages Please SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL. LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH YOUR FRIENDS. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

Published by: QuickCS Published at: 6 years ago Category: علمی و تکنولوژی