Robot Learns to Flip Pancakes


Pancake day special! The video shows a Barrett WAM robot learning to flip pancakes by reinforcement learning. The motion is encoded in a mixture of basis force fields through an extension of Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMP) that represents the synergies across the different variables through stiffness matrices. An Inverse Dynamics controller with variable stiffness is used for reproduction. For pancake day special, the skill is first demonstrated via kinesthetic teaching, and then refined by Policy learning by Weighting Exploration with the Returns (PoWER) algorithm. After 50 trials, the robot learns that the first part of the task requires a stiff behavior to throw the pancake in the air, while the second part requires the hand to be compliant in order to catch the pancake without having it bounced off the pan. Video credits: -------------------------- Dr. Petar Kormushev Affiliation: ---------------------- Advanced Robotics dept. Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) Published paper about this pancake flipping robot experiment: Pancake day special

Published by: PetarKormushev Published at: 14 years ago Category: علمی و تکنولوژی