[無廣告打擾]5小時寶寶睡眠搖籃曲- 小星星水晶音樂/ 5 HOURS BABY LULLABY/ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star baby sleep music


5小時寶寶睡眠&媽媽胎教音樂, 安撫寶寶的情緒, 放鬆且平靜. 經催眠師和NLP認證這段視頻的目的是安撫寶寶,並提供舒適的長小時的睡眠時間,幫助您的寶寶得到休息。 這段視頻獨特之處: 1. 癒合的聲音。我們的432 Hz癒合音樂可以幫助你的寶寶有大腦發育最好的支持。多年的研究表明,在錄製的432 Hz的音樂是人類大腦發育和治療的最佳頻率。我們是唯一的通道,提供嬰兒這種音樂形式。 2.影片德目的在提供平靜的視覺效果,幫助寶寶輕鬆入睡。而不是只用聲音或簡單的圖像影片,很快失去寶寶的注意力,我們提供的先進的高清質量的視頻由經過認證的催眠和NLP設計的狀態(神經語言編程 - 通過NLP的創始人認證,Rihard Bandler)幫助寶寶入睡容易。 Created by certified hypnotists and NLP Master this video is designed to calm your baby and provide soothing long hours of sleep helping your baby to get rest. What makes our video unique: 1 Healing sounds. Our music features 432 Hz healing music that helps your baby to have the best possible support for brain development. Years of research shows that music recorded at 432 Hz is the optimum frequency for human brain development and healing. WE ARE THE ONLY CHANNEL THAT OFFER THIS FORM OF MUSIC FOR BABIES. 2. Vıdeos that designed to provide calming visuals to help your baby easily fall asleep. Instead of videos with just sound or simple images that quickly lose the attention of your baby, we provide state of the art HD quality videos designed by a certified hypnotist and NLP Master (neuro linguistic programmer - certified by the founder of NLP, Rihard Bandler) to help your baby to fall asleep easily. 出處頻道: Baby Lullaby

Published by: RAD Published at: 3 years ago Category: موسیقی