OO Design Patterns Explained


In this video I explain what are OO Design Patterns, Anti-patterns, how and when to use them. Since first introduced 1994 by the Gang of Four, Object Oriented Design Patterns (or OO Design Patterns) have provided some guidance to developers. Many paradigms, languages and frameworks have specific patterns in their context, and it's very useful to have discussions with your peers. Should you use OO Design Patterns? I hope you find out in this video. Recommended resources: - Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: https://amzn.to/3slW4uC - Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide: https://amzn.to/3scYf3L ----------------------- 🤓 If you are preparing for a technical interview, don't miss my playlist: https://devstory.page.link/technical-interview-prep 📚 I have also prepared FREE study guides available here (no subscription needed): https://devstory.page.link/study-guides ----------------------- Remember you can reach me here: - #️⃣ Twitter: https://twitter.com/cv13lm4 -⌨️ Github: https://github.com/cvielma ----------------------- In A Dev' Story I explain Software Development related topics from my point of view. I'll be explaining different topics in "Chapters" according to the stage of the story I think they belong. Hope is as entertaining for you as it's fun for me to create these videos Thanks again for watching! Feel free to like, comment, share and subscribe, it means a lot to me and helps the channel grow.

Published by: A Dev' Story Published at: 4 years ago Category: