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Web Development 2018 - The Must-Know Tech


A complete roadmap to being a successful web dev in 2018! The mindmap with all of the links: Node.js course!: Jump to a section: - Basic Front End: 2:04 - No Matter Which Route You Take: 4:57 - Front End Engineer: 7:29 - Back End Engineer: 14:42 - DevOps: 21:11 This video covers everything it takes to be a web developer in 2018. Beginning web development, learning html and css, learning javascript, becoming a front end developer, becoming a back end developer...and even dev ops and docker! If you learn these skills, you'll be an in-demand developer with a modern and powerful skillset. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Also watch: "Tailwind CSS - why CSS utility classes save so much time" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

Published by: Published at: 6 years ago Category: چگونه