In this video we are going to help you build strong glutes using the resistance band monster walk exercise. These monster walks are going to get your glutes activated and fired up using a 13" mini loop style resistance band. They are very simple to set up, simply place the miniband around both legs just above the knee. Get into a shoulder width stance and squat down as low as you can get while still being able to walk. Keep your feet wide and use your arms for balance. Front/Back Monster Walk: Keep your feet wide and take 10-20 steps forward, followed by 10-20 steps backward. Keep your feet as wide as possible and take small steps. the goal here is to keep your glutes engaged and keep tension in the band the whole time. Lateral Monster Walk: Same technique as above, but instead of walking forward and backward, take lateral steps left and right like a crab walks. Again, keep those feet wide and keep your knees out over your ankles. Don't allow your knees to cave in, if you can't get them out wide. Use a smaller band with less resistance and work your way up. Equipment Used - 13" Clench Fitness mini resistance band. These Clench Fitness mini bands are great for monster walks. They are built out of layered latex and are thick and narrow. They don't snap like other cheap mini bands, and they won't roll up on you either. Check them out! #ResistanceBandMonsterWalk #clenchfitness