THE SCARY PARAMOUNT IS BACK AFTER 7 MONTHS!!! Inspired by: The Bronze Sonic, Cactus PVZ, and TheMagicWolf99. Credit goes to: DarkSonic, RodneySystems2007, Patch93, Nicholas05, BronzedCactus_PVZ, gemerl720, Holy Smokes22, TheMagicWolf99, BlubuntuTLF2004 -Blu-, NycripticBones329, ClayRanger143, LittleMissDevious, RadioactiveGirl00, EASAlert88, Dylan Fardella for the longest EAS Header, Dipsy57_YT, Paramount Pictures, Audacity, and Sony Vegas Pro 16. Epilepsy warning BTW. Update 10/12/2021: Do NOT steal, copy, die-mondify, fix, remaster, and make your version of my screamer video or any other content I make that is G-major like, and involves a G-Major-like Screamers, or claiming your copied videos as mine anymore, keep doing so, and you'll be blocked. Only my closest friends and those I trust can do that.