Today we are looking at Transition ATT – DEF When you look at the top teams from around the world they all have an aggressive mentality when it comes to winning the ball back. Barcelona has the famous 6 second rule; which clubs everywhere have tried to emulate. Transition is as much about psychology as it is technical and tactical, your players need to be able to maintain a high level of focus at all times because to win the ball back quickly means you must have just lost it; therefore to enable a quick regain the players need to instantly shift there focus from attacking to defending and recognise the trigger movements of teammates or act as the trigger themselves. It only takes one player to switch off and this can massively hinder your chances of regaining the ball. The better the teams you play against the more important it is that all players understand their roles within the transition. I put 3 basic practices together to set fundamental principles in place for the players. Working on their reactions, Ensuring the best-positioned player initiates the press on transition Supporting positions to prevent the opposition getting out easily.